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(800) 652-1999

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Board Charter

The Board of Directors is responsible for providing leadership and governance for BraveBe Child Advocacy Center and its services. The Executive Director reports to the Board. Much of the Board’s work is done in committee. The Executive Committee has the authority to vote on policy in the absence of a full Board vote.

Board Term

Board members each serve one 3-year term, at which they are then eligible for consideration for a second three year term.

Board Meetings

The Board currently meets the first Tuesday of every other month from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center.


As provided in Bylaws, the standing committees consist of the Executive, Finance, Development and Nominating. Other time-limited work groups may be established to accomplish a specific assignment. Board members are expected to serve on at least one committee or work group throughout the course of the year.

Board Size

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center currently carries a a maximum of 21 Board members, including 5 permanent members.


Attendance is expected at all Board meetings. An attendance problem occurs if a board member has two (2) unexcused absences or three (3) excused absences in a row. If a board member anticipates missing a board meeting, they must contact the Operations Director at least three days before the meeting to ensure we will have quorum to be able to conduct business.


Board members are expected to make an annual personal gift in accordance with one’s means and attend special events in the community as able.

Professional Development

Attend three board orientation sessions for new members, including Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children.


Board members are expected to articulate BraveBe Child Advocacy Center’s mission, accomplishments and goals to the public and garner support from the community.


Board members are expected to act in the best interest of BraveBe Child Advocacy Center, disclose any conflicts of interest and excuse themselves from discussions and votes where they have a conflict of interest.

Background Check

A thorough criminal history background check will be conducted on all top applicants to the Board of Directors, and every two years for active board members.


Members of BraveBe Child Advocacy Center Board of Directors (2021-2022)

Jill Smith, President
Union Bank & Trust

Stephanie Anderson, Vice President
Velocity Clinical Research

Jay Perkins, Treasurer
Cornhusker Bank

Lisa Smith, Secretary Co-Chair
D.A. Davidson

Christina Oldfather, Secretary Co-Chair
Rabble Mill

Pat Condon
Lancaster County Attorney

Jake Dilsaver
Lincoln Police Department

Lindsey Freeman
BlueCross BlueShield of Nebraska

Isaiah J. Frohling
Cline WIlliams Wright Johnson & Oldfather

Remonte Green
Department of Health & Human Services

Sara Hennessy
Bryan Health

Lanelle Herink

Eric Jones
Nebraska State Patrol

Doug McDaniel

Sarah Murtagh
City of Lincoln

Dr. Liz Noordhoek
Blue Cross Blue Shield

Scott Robbins

Terry Wagner
Lancaster County Sheriff

Marty Walter
Central States Telecom

Rita Walz
Sutton Dermatology & Aesthetics

Lyn Wineman