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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999

Employment Opportunities

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is not currently accepting applications for any positions. However, we are always growing, so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on future opportunities to join our team. Thank you for your interest in supporting our mission!

A note from Executive Director, Paige Piper:

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center employs a dedicated team of professionals committed to making a difference for child survivors of abuse and their families. Employment here is challenging and rewarding.

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is fortunate to partner with numerous agencies in our community, including law enforcement, Nebraska Health and Human Services, county attorneys, and mental health services. Through our collaborative efforts we seek to improve outcomes for child victims, understanding that each Center serves as an important piece of the larger puzzle.

Over the years, BraveBe has become both a noun and a verb. There are times our multidisciplinary team members refer to “CAC-ing” a child. That speaks volumes to the importance of the work we do. BraveBe is so much more than a place; it’s a lifeline for children and families who are facing their hardest days; it’s a phone call in the middle of the night to a caring team that conducts an emergency interview; it’s a board game between a child and their advocate during a scary criminal trial; it’s hours of questions being answered, tears being wiped, and connecting families to restorative resources like therapy. BraveBe is the light when everything around a child feels dark. It’s unwavering support by a first-class team who put children first, always.

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is special because of our dedicated team. The work is intense and emotional, yet the care and compassion of the staff ensure that children and families are not alone when navigating the intimidating criminal justice system and recovery process. We hold our employees to high standards of integrity and accountability because what we do matters.

--Paige Piper