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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999

Get Involved

How to get involved

We are very proud of the work that we do at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center and would like to offer you the opportunity to get involved in our work.

One of the best ways for you to do that is to further your understanding on the issue of child abuse and what we can each do to help keep kids safe. Check out our Training Calendar to find a training that you can attend. Talk about the issue. Take a stand against child abuse.

Of course, there are tangible ways to get involved with BraveBe Child Advocacy Center as well. Consider making a financial gift, as this is our greatest need to help us continue this important work. Visit our volunteer opportunities page if you'd like to help with BraveBe special events or projects. Or consider making a donation from our Wish List. However you choose to support BraveBe, we are grateful for your engagement!

Child abuse is a community problem, and it will take a community response to solve it. We are excited to work with you to keep children in our community safe from abuse.