Advocacy and Support

Research demonstrates that parent/caregiver support is essential to improving outcomes for children and family members. BraveBe Family Advocates play a key role in helping to support the child and their families throughout the whole process. As the case goes through the investigation, prosecution, and healing process, the Family Advocate is there to help the family understand the process and learn about their rights. They offer support and assistance with referrals for resources such as counseling, financial assistance, housing, and other community support. Families may have access to food, clothing, toiletries, and other financial assistance as needed.
Family Advocates continue to follow up with families after they leave BraveBe Child Advocacy Center to offer any ongoing support and additional assistance they may need.
Court School
Court School is designed to make the process of testifying in court easier for children. Court School helps child witnesses become familiar with the actual courtroom process and environment. Your Family Advocate, along with the County Attorney, will assist you with this process if your child needs to testify in a court case.