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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999

Core Family Services

Mental Health Services

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center provides a safe place for children and their families to begin the healing process.  Part of our multidisciplinary team response includes access to assessments and specialized mental health services for children and non-offending family members. 

Family Advocates provide referral information to community mental health providers who have training in evidence-based therapy models.  


Project SAFE

Project SAFE is part the Psychological Consultation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Doctoral students in the Clinical Psychology Training Program serve as therapists for Project SAFE and are supervised by licensed clinical psychologists. Project SAFE services are offered free of charge and provided at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center.

Project SAFE (Sexual Abuse Family Education) is a standardized treatment program for sexually abused youth and their non-offending family members.  Children who are abused often experience a variety of emotional and behavioral reactions and benefit from opportunities to discuss their feelings and experiences. In addition to helping their child through these challenges, caregivers often deal with their own feelings about what happened and benefit from the opportunity to share their experiences.

Four treatment options are available through Project SAFE:

  • Project SAFE Parent Support and Education Session                                                                                                                                                         
  • Project SAFE Brief Family Intervention
  • Project SAFE Group Treatment
  • Project SAFE Sibling Group Treatment

Your BraveBe Advocate may help refer you for Project SAFE services.  For more information please call the Project SAFE Clinical Coordinator at 402.472.2351 (Psychological Consultation Center) or 402.476.3200 (BraveBe Child Advocacy Center).  You may also visit