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Training & Prevention Education

BraveBe Child Advocacy Center is dedicated to creating positive change in the lives of young individuals, and we’re thrilled to announce a new and empowering training opportunity for youth in our communities.

Introducing the Love146-Not A Number Prevention Curriculum!

The curriculum is designed to empower young people with knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to prevent trafficking and exploitation.

What is Not a Number?

Not A Number is an interactive five module curriculum that takes a unique and engaging approach to educate youth (ages 12-18) about human trafficking and exploitation prevention. The curriculum goes beyond just the facts; it inspires youth to make safe choices and equips them with the tools they need to navigate a complex world.

Through open conversations, interactive activities, and opportunities for self-expression, participants will:

  • Raise their awareness about trafficking and exploitation
  • Learn how to recognize and understand vulnerabilities
  • Challenge harmful stereotypes and societal attitudes
  • Identify and build healthy support systems
  • Develop crucial skills to safely navigate potential and existing exploitative situations
  • Learn how to access community resources when they need help

This is an incredible opportunity for youth in our communities to build resilience, knowledge, and self-confidence in the face of these critical issues.

Because of the nature of the Not a Number curriculum, cost and time will vary. For more information, please reach out to BraveBe Child Advocacy Center (402) 476.3200