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Report Child Abuse in Nebraska

(800) 652-1999


Are you interested in engaging with BraveBe Child Advocacy Center for a tour or training with your group or organization? Please complete this form!

**BraveBe Child Advocacy Center strives to accommodate all training requests; however, there will be occasions that we may be booked for the foreseeable future. In those instances, we will do our best to put you in contact with an alternate training provider. Upon receiving your request, we will contact you to further discuss your request and any associated training cost, if applicable.**

If none, please type 'N/A'
(Organization, Business, High School, Middle School, Parents, Educators, Community, Church, etc.)
Final date will depend on BraveBe staff availability.
Only applicable for trainings - tours must be conducted at BraveBe Child Advocacy Center.
Not required if a tour is being requested. We would also be happy to chat with you about what training is applicable to your organization!