Athletes & Abuse Training

Youth sports can be an incredible time for learning the value of teamwork, personal work ethic and drive and sportsmanship. Under the right guidance and supervision, adults can empower athletes to excel through athletics. However, we know that positive experience can be overshadowed by adults in power abusing youth. SafeSport estimates that 40-50% of youth will experience some type of abuse in their athletic career. That is an alarming rate. Education is one to combat the prevalence in youth sports.
Target Audience:
Any adult either working in the capacity as a coach, trainer, volunteer or club owner. Additionally, this training is recommended for parents of children seeking more information on safe-guards in youth sports.
• Types of Abuse in Youth Sports
• Barriers to Reporting
• Grooming to Abuse
• Relationship Dynamics
• Mandatory Reporting
• Prevention & Response
• Managing High-Risk Situations
Register here:
Disclaimer: This training does not replace or meet the requirement for SafeSport Curriula.